Gav Noble Physiotherapist, Lisburn

Gav Noble Physiotherapist Contact Details

028 92 666 959
13B Antrim Street
County Antrim
BT28 1AU
Click for full opening hours
09:00 am-09:00 pm
09:00 am-09:00 pm

09:00 am-09:00 pm

09:00 am-09:00 pm

09:00 am-09:00 pm

09:00 am-04:00 pm



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About Gav Noble Physiotherapist

Lisburns leading Physiotherapy, Pilates & Back Pain Clinic.

Welcome to Gav Noble Physiotherapy in Lisburn. We help people from all walks of life, aged 35-60+ keep active and move freely without the need for painkillers!

If you live in the Lisburn, Belfast, Hillsborough, Dromore, Ballynahinch or Dunmurry area and are looking for someone to help you ease aches & pains or help with an ongoing issue, we can help you fast, just book an appointment today and we’ll be waiting to help you get back on your feet.

Welcome to one of Northern Ireland’s leading back pain specialist clinics. Whether you’ve come looking for Specialist Physio advice because the NHS has let you down, you don’t take favourably to the “rest and painkillers” option that is nearly always advised by the GP, or you’re VERY health conscious and already know that Specialist Private Physio advice IS your BEST option, you‘re about to ENJOY the same transformation in your health as thousands of others who have seen proven results in their ability to keep ACTIVE and watched as their pain levels drop, faster than they ever thought possible.

Do You Want To Put An End To Pain And Stiffness…Keep Active and Mobile…And Finally Start To Get More Living Out Your Life….EVERYDAY..
And Without Taking Painkillers, Without Seeing The GP, and Without Having To Wait On The NHS…

Conditions we treat
  • Back pain
  • Ligament injuries
  • Elbow pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Headaches
  • Hamstring injuries
  • Sciatica
  • Knee pain
  • Arthritic pains
  • Muscular strains
  • Whiplash
  • Sports injuries
  • Neck pain
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Ankle sprains
  • Achilles pain
  • Running injuries
  • Golf injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • ACL reconstruction
  • Occupational Health issues
  • Post-surgery rehabilitation

Massage In Lisburn
Sports massage tends to be a deeper and more intense treatment. It is based on the various elements of Swedish massage and often incorporates a combination of other techniques involving stretching, compression, friction, toning, and trigger point response techniques similar to Acupressure and Shiatsu. The skilled therapist brings together this blend of techniques, knowledge and advice during treatment, to work effectively with the client to bring about optimum performance and to provide injury-free training and minimize post event injuries.

Pilates In Lisburn
Well, little change as to the how you book a class. Just click here, purchase some class passes and book into the classes you would like to attend.

Our classes are live streamed using the Zoom app, so make sure that you have downloaded the Zoom app to your phone or tablet.

Online Pilates
We understand that some people want to do some exercise and aren’t always comfortable in a class. We also understand that getting out to a class can be difficult too, by he time you get home from work, have dinner, help out with homework, and sort out jobs around the house.
We understand.
You can just lose track of time.
Plus, at this time, when you are restricted to your home, you can’t get out to class.
Thankfully, we are able to bring Pilates to you and into the comfort of your home!

Gav Noble Physiotherapist Products & Services

Virtual Physiotherapy Consultations
Online Pilates Classes
Treatment of Back Pain
Pilates Classes
Treatment of Knee Pain
Treatment of Neck and Shoulder pain
Custom Fit Orthotics
Shockwave Therapy

Gav Noble Physiotherapist Video

Gav Noble Physiotherapist News

Apr 18, 2020
“Do you want hands on therapy or manual therapy? Or, do you want your problem resolved?”

It has been strange times this last month. Our clinic has had to close due to Government restrictions and social distancing. However, we still have clients that need our help! Being in lockdown does not suddenly resolve back pain, knee pain, neck or shoulder pain. Real people still continue to suffer with these problems, and we understand that they may need us now, more than ever. You see isolation away from the ‘norm’, is not a familiar place for many people. Some people have found this a strange time and place to be in. They are now faced with the fact that they may have to suffer with their problems at home. They are finding their mobility reducing even further. Their pains are not resolving in the way they thought they would. They are finding their everyday tasks becoming more difficult. They don’t know what to do, or who to turn to when seeking a resolution to their problem. Here at Gav Noble Physiotherapy, we are still OPEN, by way of Virtual Consultations. We are open and helping people. We are in constant contact with our patients, via laptops, ipads and mobile phones. So how does that work? We talk to all our clients by phone first. We spend time with them getting to know what the main problem is and figuring out if there is something we can do. We then arrange a virtual consultation which is a video consultation. We email you a link for the virtual consultation, and then at the arranged time, you click on the link, and boom we see each other on screen. Being seen on screen is really important. By doing this we are able to see complete certain movements, do certain tests, point to areas that are affected, and feel around the areas that are sore. All the time we will be asking you questions about how everything feels. During this assessment we are then able to advise on what exactly is going on with you. We will then work with you to devise a treatment plan, show you some self-treatment techniques, show exercises and plan a home exercise programme. This is something quite new to many people. The fact is, that this kind of physiotherapy consultation has been happening for many years. Yes, this is true. And here at Gav Noble Physiotherapy, we too have been doing this for a long time. “But do you not need to do the hands-on stuff with me?” The real answer to this, is not all the time. The hands-on stuff is just a part of what we do. Yes, people do like the hands on stuff, but there is still so much more that can be accomplished with the other stuff too! My question straight back to you would be – “Do you want hands on therapy or manual therapy? Or, do you want your problem resolved?” By letting us see you and talk to you is one of the most powerful tools we have. Now, even more than ever, I would advise you or a loved one, that if you are having a problem with your back, knee, neck or shoulder, to please contact us and let’s see how we can help you. Being at home alone, suffering is not the way to exist!
Feb 26, 2020
Top 3 Exercises for back pain

“If you were to do any 3 exercises for back pain, what would they be? This is probably one of the most frequently asked questions at our clinic. I get it, I’ve had back pain before too. I know how debilitating back pain can be. I know that you want to do as much as you can to get some ease from back pain. Sometime pain can be just too acute to be able to even think about exercise. However, it is so important that you do something. Remember doing something is better than nothing! My upmost advice is to seek professional advice from a healthcare professional who will be able to direct you on the right path to recovery. As a physiotherapist myself, when I had back pain, I too sought help from a physiotherapist (It’s hard to treat yourself). Now back to the top 3 exercises. As back pain generally affects 80% of the population at some point in their lives, it is important to know what you could do to help or prevent back pain. Back pain is one of the most researched ailments in medical journals. One of these researchers is a man called Dr Stuart McGill, who is a professor of spinal mechanics. He has spent many years researching back pain, and worked with many different clients and athletes. He devised his ‘Big 3’ exercises to help build endurance in the muscles of the core and lower back that help stabilize the spine. These 3 exercises are called:- 1. The McGill Curl-Up 2. The Side Plank 3. The Bird Dog I would also like to point out that these three exercises are common exercises that can be seen done every day at the gym. The key is, that they are done correctly and with great control. And yes, the exercise you see here has many different names, but also many variations on levels of difficulty. In our Pilates classes we use these exercises frequently and can grade the exercise depending on your level of ability. The video of these exercises can be found below
Jan 19, 2020
Common Running Injuries

Running is a great way to stay in shape, manage stress, and increase your overall well-being. However, it's not without its drawbacks. While being a low-risk activity, there are a few injuries that commonly affect runners. As running is a repetitive impact activity, most running injuries develop slowly and can be challenging to treat. Here are three of the most common conditions faced by runners. We see people with running injuries every week in the clinic. Lisburn is such a vibrant place for runners, with weekly park run, athletics clubs, running clubs and triathlon clubs. There's a lot of runners in Lisburn, and we love to see so many people out there enjoying themselves, working hard to stay healthy and fit. Keep up the good work people of Lisburn. When people do get injured, we are always aiming to get them back to running as quickly as possible. Now, continue reading to find out about the common running injuries. 1. Runner's Knee: Runners' knee is a persistent pain on the inside of the knee caused by the dysfunctional movement of the kneecap during movement. The kneecap sits in a small groove at the centre of the knee and glides smoothly up and down as the knee bends and straightens. If something causes the kneecap to move abnormally, the surface underneath can become damaged, irritated, and painful. The pain might be mild to start with; however, left untreated, runner's knee can make running too painful to continue. Find out more about runners knee here. 2. Shin Splints: Shin splints is a common condition characterised by a recurring pain at the inside of the shin. While the cause of this condition is not always clear, it is usually due to repeated stress where the calf muscles attach to the tibia (shin bone). Why this becomes painful is likely due to a combination of factors that can be identified by your physiotherapist to help you get back on track as soon as possible. 3. Achilles Tendonitis: The Achilles tendon is the thick tendon at the back of the ankle that attaches to the calf muscles. The amount of force that this tendon can absorb is impressive. It is vital in providing the propulsive force needed for running. If the stresses placed on the tendon exceed its strength, the tissues begin to breakdown and become painful. Treatment is focussed on helping the healthy tendon tissues to strengthen and adapt to new forces while allowing the damaged tissue to heal and regenerate. None of the information in this newsletter is a replacement for proper medical advice. Always see a medical professional for advice on your injury. If you need any further information about knee pain then please click here, or call us on 028 92666959, or email Also, feel free to go here if you would like our FREE Runners report,
Jan 14, 2020
6 Reasons Why Pilates Works

We all have moments of weakness and try to find an excuse not to exercise. This is just our mind attempting to challenge our motivation to get out there and do something. Remember, if you are missing out on doing something that you love doing, because you are in pain, not strong enough, or not flexible enough, or you need to work on that core strength, then Pilates is definitely for you. Some people don’t like high intensity exercise, but Pilates can be there for you as a more gentle form of exercise, plus has amazing benefits! So now, why does Pilates work? 1. Mind-Body connection Pilates helps gets your mind in tune with your body. It improves body awareness and leads muscles to posture control, and understanding of movements. With an emphasis on the quality of movement with complete concentration and precision you will become acutely aware of how your body works, how it feels and what it needs. 2. Improved Posture The Pilates Method promotes better posture and balance by teaching alignment and stability. It helps build a strong core by activating the lower abdominals along with the muscles closest to the spine, giving the spine support to lengthen. 3. Restful sleep Something we hear very frequently about how good a night’s sleep people have after their Pilates class. This goes back to that mind-body connection, and focusing on you, when exercising. The focus on breathing helps the mind becomes settled, thus, better sleep! 4. Improved body The beauty of Pilates is that it is a whole body exercise which activates all muscles, improves coordination and increases strength, flexibility and stamina. It elongates and strengthens without building excess bulk. It increases muscle elasticity and creates a stronger core. 5. Injury prevention and treatment Pilates was originally used for rehabilitation of Ballet students in New York! It is used extensively by physiotherapists and trainers worldwide as a form of rehabilitation – especially for back pain! The controlled movements and strengthening aspect of Pilates are ideal for preventative as well as rehabilitative purposes. 6. Pilates for all The best thing about Pilates is that anyone and everyone can practice it - Guys and girls! Plus don’t forget it can be fun too, and you get to socialise and meet new people who are in exactly the same boat as you. The movements are low impact and there are so many adaptations on the classical exercises which accommodate all levels of fitness and specific needs. No matter what your physical characteristics, your fitness experience, size, shape or age Pilates can challenge you in a sensible and safe way. If you have any questions, queries, please feel free to contact us at 028 9266 6959, or Or feel free to download our Free Pilates report here.
Mar 13, 2019
Why You May Need Custom Fit Orthotics

Many people come to our clinic complaining of back pain, hip pain, knee pain, shin splints, and foot pain from conditions such as bunions, hammertoes, a pinched nerve (neuroma), or heel pain (plantar fasciitis). It is important for us to help you understand, WHY, you may be experiencing these kinds of pain. Also, it is important for us to help you understand WHAT you can do to help overcome your problem. If you do suffer from any of the above problems, then advice from your trusted Specialist Health Professional may just help you make a better decision about your health. Remember your foot is a complex thing. Your feet are the foundation for the rest of your body. They support your entire body weight so taking care of them and making sure they are properly supported is incredibly important to you moving pain-free. Problems with your feet can affect foot pain, ankle pain, knee pain, hip pain and even back pain. This chain can sometimes keep moving up the body to the shoulders and neck. If you have ever had one of these problems and had treatment on it, have your feet ever been looked at or assessed? Have you ever thought about what kind of footwear you are using? Is your footwear comfortable? Is your footwear supportive? These are questions that should ask yourself, as whilst it may not necessarily be the cause of the problem. It may just be that it is part of the solution. Remember, the wrong kind of footwear can make your problems worse. Now, are you the kind of person who enjoys getting out of the house, going for walks, playing with your children or grandchildren, doing the gardening, playing sport or even go travelling? What if you started to find you are slowing down because you are suffering with pain, or couldn’t get out of the house because you were worried or concerned about pain? What would you do next? Do you want to miss out on all the things you love doing? No? My advice to you is to make the best decision for your health and arrange to see a Specialist Health Professional, who will carry out a detailed assessment. Yes, they will be able to carry out any treatment, if required, but importantly be able to look at your foot biomechanics and advise you if your feet are contributing to the problem. Imagine how nice it would be to go for a walk, play a round of golf, play with the grandchildren or even do the gardening, KNOWING that your feet are well supported in your footwear with custom fit orthotics, helping those knees, ankles, hips and back in a better aligned and biomechanical position. If you'd like to learn more about custom fit orthotics then click here. Or call the clinic on 028 92666959, or email at

Gav Noble Physiotherapist Team

Name Role Email Telephone
Gavin Noble Practice Owner 028 92666959
Ben Lewis Practice Manager 028 92666959
Chris Noble Specialist Physiotherapist 028 92666959
Michael O'Boyle New Therapist 028 92666959
Natalie Willis client care specialist

Reviews of Gav Noble Physiotherapist

Star Rating
Suzanne Weir
The work Gav has done for me on my knee is amazing! 6 months after a hamstring graft for a dislocating knee, I was disappointed to find the pain in the area was worst than pre surgery and this impacted my active lifestyle massively! I was recommended to try Gav and his team and I'm so glad I did. After 6 weeks the difference is staggering and I'm back to the gym doing the workouts I love. Couldn't recommend the team enough!
Star Rating
Ada Devlin
I would highly recommend the boys . Thank you for greatly improving my neck pain. Would definitely return if I have a problem in the future. Many thanks
Star Rating
Audrey Steele
" I've been doing Pilates now for about 3 years. I suffered from lower back pain and Pilates was recommended to me. I have greatly benefited from the classes, my back is much better and I no longer have the pain I once had.. I enjoy the classes and can now do exercises I never thought I would be able to do! Thanks Gavin for making the class so enjoyable! "

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