
Province's unemployment 'remains low'

The seasonally adjusted unemployment figures have revealed that unemployment in the three months to June was at its lowest rate since 1995.

Trade Minister Sir Reg Empey said that the figures contained in the seasonally adjusted 'Labour Force Survey' published by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) revealed that unemployment "remained low".

According to the ILO definition there are 42,000 people or 5.4% of the Northern Ireland workforce unemployed. This is a 0.7% decrease on the seasonally adjusted rate recorded over the quarter and a fall of 0.5% from last year. The lowest mark since the seasonally adjusted figures began in 1995. However, this was still 0.3% above the national average.

The numbers of people who have been unemployed for more than one year showed an increase of 3.1% on this time last year to 19,000.

On the fall in those claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA), Sir Reg said: “Between June and July the seasonally adjusted total claiming JSA fell by 600 claimants. There are now 36,200 JSA claimants in Northern Ireland representing 4.6% of the workforce which is the lowest level since August 1975.”

The official statistics revealed that there are 765,000 people in Northern Ireland who are formally defined as economically active - either in employment or unemployed.

A further 522,000 individuals aged over 16 or over are defined as ‘economically inactive’, 57,000 of whom want employment but do not satisfy the full International Labour Organisation (ILO) job search criteria.

Looking towards the Washington Summit which will be held between the 4-6 September, Sir Reg said: “Next month is the anniversary of the events of September 11 and I recall the fears of many Northern Ireland companies following that attack. There has been difficulties and redundancies did take place but in general the unemployment rate, with some slight fluctuations has remained relatively steady."

Businesses from all parts of Northern Ireland will be attending the Washington Economic Summit to showcase their expertise and form strategic alliances with their US and Irish counterparts.

The Minister said that the past year’s experience had served to demonstrate that Northern Ireland a region could hold its own against continuing global turbulence.


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