
Other News In Brief

Pilot Dies After Aircraft Crashes Into A Field

A pilot has died after an aircraft crashed in a field in Wiltshire.

Police said the accident happened at around 16.20pm on Wednesday in the Clarendon area.

Police confirmed the pilot was the only person on board.

Town Hall Doors Unlocked To Social Media

New law changes to introduce greater openness and transparency in executive councils meetings will mean all decisions including those affecting budgets and local services will have to be taken in an open and public forum, Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles announced today.

Ministers have put new regulations before Parliament that would come into force next month to extend the rights of people to attend all meetings of a council's executive, its committees and subcommittees.

The changes will result in greater public scrutiny. The existing media definition will be broadened to cover organisations that provide internet news thereby opening up councils to local online news outlets. Individual councillors will also have stronger rights to scrutinise the actions of their council.

Any executive decision that would result in the council incurring new spending or savings significantly affecting its budget or where it would affect the communities of two or more council wards will have to be taken in a more transparent way as a result.

Crucially councils will no longer be able to cite political advice as justification for closing a meeting to the public and press. In addition any intentional obstruction or refusal to supply certain documents could result in a fine for the individual concerned.

Pathologist Is Struck Off

The pathologist who wrongly diagnosed the death of Ian Tomlinson during the 2009 G20 protest has been struck off by the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS).

Dr Freddy Patel said Mr Tomlinson has died from heart problems, which was untrue.

In total, 68 failings were identified by the MPTS in Dr Patel's work in the case of Mr Tomlinson.


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