
Stressed workers '25% more likely' to suffer heart attack

Workers exposed to stress for at least half their working lives are 25% more likely to die from a heart attack, and have 50% higher odds of suffering a fatal stroke, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) has warned.

According to the latest issue of TUC backed Hazards magazine, blue-collar workers are more prone to such illnesses than executives.

The TUC's research indicates that stress is Britain’s number one workplace health hazard, its worldwide measure – the 'modern workers health check' – found that employees are being "worked into the ground".

An individual’s mental health deteriorates when a change in workload results in higher demands, less control and reduced support, the TUC says. Poor management planning and organisation can also lead to heart disease.

Workers are smoking, drinking and ‘slobbing out’ to deal with workplace stress, the research concludes.

Brendan Barber, TUC General Secretary, said: "Stress at work is cutting workers’ lives short. This enormous strain on individuals and society will only end when we tackle the causes of stress such as overwork and the long-hours culture The UK needs a workforce that works well and stays well."

US stress researcher Paul Landsbergis also claimed that long-term stress at work was "far more likely" on the shopfloor than in the boardroom.

Mr Landsbergis said: "If you are experiencing the effects of job stress the symptoms are not ‘all in your head’, but are your body’s way of telling you’re your job is out of kilter. And this stress can, literally, break your heart."


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