
Govt Indifferent To Unemployment - Tóibín

Speaking as the July Live Register figures were released, Peadar Tóibín TD, Sinn Féin spokesperson for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation said: "The figures show that 19,000 more people are on the live register since this government came to power and rates of unemployment continue to increase despite high levels of emigration.

"Some 54% of those unemployed have been out of work for more than a year, almost the length of time of this government.

"Those on the Live Register need to hear from the government when the 100,000 additional new jobs promised by the Taoiseach will materialise. Our unemployed need action and not spin.

"It is clear that the policies being pursued by this government will not tackle unemployment. In sticking to those failing policies the government is indifferent to the needs of the unemployed.

"This government needs to re-orientate policy and investment away from supporting bankers and commercial landlords to creating jobs and supporting business."


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